registration fee
registration fee includes: scientific sessions, poster and technical exhibition, conference materials, welcome reception, lunches
1)students please present a certificate such as valid student registration card to get a student rate.
2)the international payment is in eur and domestic in cny.
3)the gala dinner will be held on the october 17, 2019 at beijing yanqi lake international convention & exhibition center.
registration form
all participants are kindly requested to register through our on-line registration system.
please click the above button and you will be able to complete your details. after registration please login and submit your abstract. for participants who would like to present their abstracts at any scientific session, registration and payment must be confirmed by july 31, 2019.
cancelation policies
the deadline for cancellation of registration is august 31, 2019 (inclusive). should you wish to cancel your registration and to get a refund, you must notify the conference contact by email before this date. refunds will be reimbursed 60 days after the end of the event. the cancellation policy is given as below:
1)registration form received without payment will not be confirmed until the payment is received.
2)for administrative reasons registration forms received after october 7, 2019 will not be processed.
3)after october 8, participants will have to register on-site during the official registration opening hours.
payment method
1) credit cards
international participants could pay the registration fee by credit card. visa, mastercard, and american express card are acceptable. please complete your credit card details through our on-line payment system for making the registration payment.
2) alipay or wechat
domestic participants can complete online payment through alipay or wechat.
3) bank transfer
domestic participants could also pay the registration fee through bank remittance. registration number (134-xxxxx) of the participant should be noted in the remittance message. deadline for payment through bank remittance is september 15th 2019.
bank details:
户 名:中国化学会
账 号:01090302900120105010704