欢迎 samrah kamal 会员加入中国化学会
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欢迎 刘江兰 会员加入中国化学会
欢迎 刘坤 会员加入中国化学会
欢迎 张凯明 会员加入中国化学会
欢迎 谢闻博 会员加入中国化学会
女, 浙江大学, 教授/研究员/教授级高工或同等级别
(1) 2001-09 至 2004-05, 浙江大学, 化学, 博士
(2) 1996-09 至 1999-07, 内蒙古大学, 化学, 硕士
(3) 1989-09 至 1993-07, 内蒙古师范大学, 化学, 学士
(1) 2007-11 至 2009-08, 美国北卡罗莱纳州立大学化学与分子工程学院
(2) 2004-06 至 2006-05, 浙江大学化学工程与生物工程学院
(1) 2019-12 至 今, 浙江大学, 化学系, 教授
(2) 2006-05 至 2019-11, 浙江大学, 化学系, 副教授
刘迎春长期致力于限域表界面结构与传输机理研究,目前主要在锂电池材料、生物材料与表/界面的分子模拟、分子间相互作用、计算化学、计算材料物理与化学等方面开展工作,主持并完成多项国家及省部级(国家自然科学基金、浙江省自然科学基金)研究项目,在相关领域发表研究论文100多篇,包括angew. chem. int. ed.、chem、adv. mater.、chem. comm.、nano lett.、nano res.、biomaterials等多篇论文,在多孔/低维碳材料纳微尺度传递影响下的吸附分离、扩散以及催化、多相反应机制方面取得系列创新成果。
1. xucheng lv, zikai qian, xiaobo zhang,[ xie zhang, hongfei zheng, mingjie liu, yingchun liu, and jun lu,enhancement of overall kinetics by se-br chemistry in rechargeable li-s batteries,angew. chem. int. ed. 2024, e202405880
2. yixin chen,ze cao,tinglong feng,xiaobo zhang, zhaoyong li, xue dong,shaoying huang, prof. yingchun liu*, prof. xiaoyu cao, prof. andrew c.-h. sue, prof. chuanhui peng, prof. xufeng lin, prof. linjun wang*, prof. hao li*, enantioselective self-assembly of a homochiral tetrahedral cage comprising only achiral precursors, angew. chem. int. ed. 2024,e202400467.
3. zeyu xu, en zheng,ziwei xiao,haibo shao,yingchun liu*,jianmingwang. photo-initiated in situ synthesis of polypyrrole fe-coated porous silicon microspheres for high-performance lithium-ion battery anodes, chem. eng. j, 2023,459, 141543.
4. mengying ma, binbin chen, xu yang, yingchun liu, sheng dai, xingguo, qi, yong-sheng hu, huilin pan. solvent reorganization and additives synergistically enable high-performance na-ion batteries. acs energy letters 2023, 8, 1, 477-485 (if=23.9)
5. canfu zhang, binbin chen, haoran cai, renzhi huang, yingchun liu*, huilin pan*, adjusting the local solvation structures and hydrogen bonding networks for stable aqueous batteries with reduced cost, j. energy chem.2022, 68(5), 411-419
6. guangyu he, qi wang, hak ki yu, daniel farías, yingchun liu*, antonio politano, water-induced hydrogenation of graphene/metal interfaces at room temperature: insights on water intercalation and identification of sites for water splitting,nano res., 2019,12(12), 3101-3108.
7. tao liang , guangyu he, xu wu, jindong ren, hongxuan guo , yuhan kong, hideo iwai , daisuke fujita , hongjun gao, haiming guo , yingchun liu* and mingsheng xu*, permeation through graphene ripples, 2d materials, 2017, 4, 025010
8. renfeng nie, meng miao, weichen, du, juanjuan shi, yingchun liu*, zhaoyin hou. selective hydrogenation of c=c bond over n-doped reduced graphene oxides supported pd catalyst, appl catal b 2016, 180, 607–613.
9. tao. liang, guangyu. he, guowei huang, yuhan kong, weifei fu, hongzheng chen, qi. wang, iwai hideo, daisuke. fujita, ying-chun. liu, ming-sheng xu, graphene nucleation preferentially at oxygen-rich cu sites rather than on pure cu surface, adv. mater. 2015, 27,6404–6410
10. yu, yuping; wang, qi; liu, yingchun*; xie, ying*, molecular basis for the targeted binding of rgd-containing peptide to integrin alpha(v)beta(3), biomaterials, 2014, 35(5), 1667-1675.