
欢迎 samrah kamal 会员加入中国化学会
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欢迎 张凯明 会员加入中国化学会
欢迎 谢闻博 会员加入中国化学会



朱俊杰 -九游官网首页进入

男, 南京大学化学化工学院, 教授/研究员/教授级高工或同等级别


1980.09-1984.07, 南京大学化学系,本科生
1998.11-1999.11. 以色列巴伊兰大学,博士后
1996.04-2001.05. 南京大学,副教授




国家杰出青年科学基金获得者,英国皇家化学会会士,国务院政府特殊津贴获得者。工作集中在在基于纳米探针的光学显微成像技术开发、面向肿瘤的纳米诊疗系统的构建以及新型生物燃料电池研究等方面取得了一系列创新性成果。相关研究成果在nat. commun.、j. am. chem. soc.、angew. chem. int. ed.、chem. soc. rev.、adv. mater.等期刊上发表。迄今为止,共发表sci论文500多篇,论文被sci刊物他引21000多次,h-index为87, 连续五年入选爱思唯尔(2014~2018)中国高被引学者榜单及2018, 2019年web of science交叉学科全球高被引学者榜单。现在或曾承担了国家自然科学基金委和科技部多项课题 。2018年获江苏科技进步一等奖;2010年获教育部自然科学一等奖 ;2015年中国分析测试协会科学技术一等奖。


1. 论文
(1) p. zhang p.: gao, d.; an, k.; shen, q.; wang, c.; zhang, y; pan, x.; chen, x.; lyv, y.: cui, c.: liang, t.; duan, x.: liu, j.; yang, t.; hu, x.; zhu, j.j.; xu, f.; tan, w.; a programmable polymer library that enables the construction of stimuli-responsive nanocarriers containing logic gates. nat chem 12, 381-390 (2020).
(2) huang, s.; ma, c.; lin, j.; wang, w.; xu, y.; wu, x.; zhang, j.-r.; zhu, j.-j., simultaneous and spatial quantification of telomerase activity and dna methylation in living cells by a deformable satellite nanocapsule, ccs chem., 3 (4) (2021), 1231-1244.
(3) yu, s.; zhou, y.; sun, y.; wu, s.; xu, t.; chang, y. c.; bi, s.; jiang, l. p.; zhu, j. j., endogenous mrna triggered dna-au nanomachine for in situ imaging and targeted multimodal synergistic cancer therapy, angew. chem. int. ed., 60 (11) (2021), 5948-5958.
(4) zhang, p.; cheng, f.; zhou, r.; cao, j.; li, j.; burda, c.; min, q.; zhu, j. j., dna-hybrid-gated multifunctional mesoporous silica nanocarriers for dual-targeted and microrna-responsive controlled drug delivery, angew. chem. int. ed., 53 (9) (2014), 2371-2375.
(5) wang, w.; satyavolu, n. s. r.; wu, z.; zhang, j. r.; zhu, j. j.; lu, y., near-infrared photothermally activated dnazyme-gold nanoshells for imaging metal ions in living cells, angew. chem. int. ed., 56 (24) (2017), 6798-6802.
(6) chen, z.; li, j.; chen, x.; cao, j.; zhang, j.; min, q.; zhu, j. j., single gold@silver nanoprobes for real-time tracing the entire autophagy process at single-cell level, j. am. chem. soc., 137 (5) (2015), 1903-1908.
(7)chen, x.; xia, q.; cao, y.; min, q.; zhang, j.; chen, z.; chen, h. y.; zhu, j. j., imaging the transient heat generation of individual nanostructures with a mechanoresponsive polymer, nat. commun., 8 (1) (2017), 1498.
(8) xia, q.; chen, z.; xiao, p.; wang, m.; chen, x.; zhang, j. r.; chen, h. y.; zhu, j. j., fermi level-tuned optics of graphene for attocoulomb-scale quantification of electron transfer at single gold nanoparticles, nat. commun., 10 (1) (2019), 3849.
(9) liang, t.; wen, d.; chen, g.; chan, a.; chen, z.; li, h.; wang, z.; han, x.; jiang, l.; zhu, j. j.; gu, z., adipocyte-derived anticancer lipid droplets, adv. mater., 33 (26) (2021), 2100629.
(10) zhang, p.; wang, y.; lian, j.; shen, q.; wang, c.; ma, b.; zhang, y.; xu, t.; li, j.; shao, y.; xu, f.; zhu, j. j., engineering the surface of smart nanocarriers using a ph-/thermal-/gsh-responsive polymer zipper for precise tumor targeting therapy in vivo, adv. mater., 29 (36) (2017), 1702311.
2. 专利
3. 著作
(1)朱俊杰等;著作名称:《纳米分析化学》;出版社:科学出版社;出版年份:2014;出版地:北京;isbn 978-7-03-041838-8
(2)zhu jun-jie、li jing-jing、huang hai-ping、cheng fang-fang;《quantum dots for dna biosensing》;出版社:springer;出版年份:2013;出版地:london;isbn 978-3-642-44909-3

