欢迎 samrah kamal 会员加入中国化学会
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欢迎 张凯明 会员加入中国化学会
欢迎 谢闻博 会员加入中国化学会
男, 厦门大学
2002.09/2006.06 四川大学(创新人才班) 学士 生物医学工程
2006.09/2011.06 国家纳米科学中心(中国) 博士 物理化学
2012.01/2015.07 美国哈佛大学工程与应用科学学院 博士后 仿生材料科学
2015.08/2016.07 美国哈佛-麻省理工医疗科技学院 先拿到教职,后确定回国,转为访学
2016.08/今 厦门大学化学化工学院 教授 物理化学
2022.06/今 厦门大学电化学科学与工程研究所 所长
2022.09/今 固体表面物理化学国家重点实验室 副主任
侯旭孕育“液体门控机制”,发明液体门控技术,逐步将液体门控技术的概念与理论发展具体成形。以“电化学液体门控技术”为例,提出了颗粒物在水界面上高效过滤与吸收的核心物理化学机制,解开了液体作为结构功能材料如何实现电化学可控微泡及其三相界面上高效传质的难题(nature 2022, 610, 74)。目前,侯旭担任《中国化学快报》副主编,已出版2本专著,并以独立通讯作者在nature、science、nsr等发表高水平论文,授权国内外发明专利30余项,曾担任国家重点研发计划重点专项项目负责人。“液体门控技术”被世界权威化学组织iupac评为2020年全球化学领域十大新兴技术。2021年,iupac邀请侯旭对液体门控技术进行展望,并收录到iupac十大新兴技术专辑(pac 2021, 93, 1353)。侯旭曾获全国创新争先奖,国家杰出青年科学基金资助,科学探索奖,中国化学会青年化学奖等荣誉。2023年,《人民日报》以“科技自立自强·青年科学家”栏目刊发深度通讯专访报道侯旭“从0到1”的科研事迹。
1. zhang y, han y, ji x, zang d, qiao l, sheng z, wang c, wang s, wang m, hou y, chen x, hou x, continuous air purification by aqueous interface filtration and absorption, nature, 610 (7930) (2022), 74-80;
2. hou y, hou x, bioinspired nanofluidic iontronics, science, 373 (6555) (2021), 628-629;
3. hou x, hu y, grinthal a, khan m, aizenberg j, liquid-based gating mechanism with tunable multiphase selectivity and antifouling behaviour, nature, 519 (7541) (2015), 70-73;
4. hou x, liquid gating membrane, national science review, 7 (1) (2020), 9-11;
5. hou x, smart gating multi‐scale pore/channel‐based membranes, advanced materials, 28 (33) (2016), 7049-7064;
6. yu s, pan l, zhang y, chen x, hou x, liquid gating technology, pure and applied chemistry, 93 (12) (2021), 1353-1370;
7. zhang y, hou x, liquid-based materials, national science open, 1 (3) (2022), 20220035;
8. sheng z, zhang m, liu j, malgaretti p, li j, wang s, lv w, zhang r, fan y, zhang y, chen x, hou x, reconfiguring confined magnetic colloids with tunable fluid transport behavior, national science review, 8 (5) (2021), nwaa301;
9. shen y, chen z, zhang y, hou x, liquid interfacial tension design of building new concept materials, matter, 6 (8) (2023), 2506-2508;
10. yu s, jing y, fan y, xiong l, wang h, lei j, zhang y, liu j, wang s, chen x, sun h, hou x, ultrahigh efficient emulsification with drag-reducing liquid gating interfacial behavior, proceedings of the national academy of sciences, 119 (29) (2022), e2206462119;
11. sheng z, zhang j, liu j, zhang y, chen x, hou x, liquid-based porous membranes, chemical society reviews, 49 (22) (2020), 7907-7928;
12. yu l, hou y, wang y, cao p, luo c, liu y, ran g, wang m, hou x, quartz nonadherent and clean exfoliation of the heteroatom-doped bulk carbon nanotubes array, nano letters, 23 (20) (2023), 9383-9391;
13. hou y, wang m, he w, ling y, zheng j, hou x, virtual simulation experiments: a teaching option for complex and hazardous chemistry experiments, journal of chemical education, 100 (4) (2023), 1437-1445;
14. wang h, fan y, hou y, chen b, lei j, yu s, chen x, hou x, host-guest liquid gating mechanism with specific recognition interface behavior for universal quantitative chemical detection, nature communications, 13 (1) (2022), 1906;
15. lei j, hou y, wang h, fan y, zhang y, chen b, yu s, hou x, carbon dioxide chemically responsive switchable gas valves with protonation-induced liquid gating self-adaptive systems, angewandte chemie international edition, 61 (17) (2022), e202201109;
16. fan y, sheng z, chen j, pan h, chen b, wu f, wang s, chen x, hou x, visual chemical detection mechanism by a liquid gating system with dipole‐induced interfacial molecular reconfiguration. angewandte chemie international edition, 58 (12) (2019), 3986-3971;
17. wang m, meng h, wang d, yin y, stroeve p, zhang y, sheng z, chen b, zhan k, hou x, dynamic curvature nanochannel-based membrane with anomalous ionic transport behaviors and reversible rectification switch, advanced materials, 31 (11) (2019), 1805130;
18. sheng z, wang h, tang y, wang m, huang l, min l, meng h, chen s, jiang l, hou x, liquid gating elastomeric porous system with dynamically controllable gas/liquid transport, science advances, 4 (2) (2018), eaao6724;
19. hou x, yang f, li l, song y, jiang l, zhu d, a biomimetic asymmetric responsive single nanochannel, journal of the american chemical society, 132 (33) (2010), 11736-11742;
20. hou x, guo w, xia f, nie f, dong h, tian y, wen l, wang l, cao l, yang y, xue j, song y, wang y, liu d, jiang l, a biomimetic potassium responsive nanochannel: g-quadruplex dna conformational switching in a synthetic nanopore, journal of the american chemical society, 131 (22) (2009), 7800-7805.
1. xu hou(侯旭),zhizhi sheng,lingli min,miao wang,yinglin zhu,feng wu;functional fluid gate control system;2018、us11413584b2;2022、us11413584b2;
2. 侯旭,余诗洁,樊漪;一种高效低能耗的膜乳化系统及方法;2021、202110355326.6;2022、zl202110355326.6;
3. 侯旭,盛智芝,黄立志,闵伶俐,王苗,朱颖琳,吴锋;一种功能流体门控系统;2017、201710342533.1;2021、zl201710342533.1;
4. 侯旭,樊漪,盛智芝,陈柏屹;一种基于门控压力阈值变化的物质检测系统及方法;2018、201810106605.7;2020、zl201810106605.7;
5. 侯旭,张运茂,盛智芝,王苗,陈柏屹;一种仿生智能空气净化系统及方法;2018、201810510045.1;2020、zl201810510045.1;
6. 侯旭,徐雪,刘静;一种磁控可视化气液混合物含量检测系统及方法;2021、202111273770.x;zl202111273770.x;
7. 侯旭,王辉猛,樊漪,王树立,侯雅琦;一种基于主客体作用的定量物质控释系统及方法;2021、202110995230.6;2022、zl202110995230.6;
8. 侯旭,王苗,孟海强;一种动态纳米通道及其制备、测试方法;2018、201810509598.5;2022、zl201810509598.5;
9. 侯旭,陈柏屹,杨仙;一种基于热响应液体门控的大棚膜及其在大棚中的应用;2018、201810095849.x;2022、zl201810095849.x;
10. 侯旭,韩雨航,陈柏屹,张运茂,盛智芝;一种多相分离方法、装置及其应用;2019、201911325781.0;2021、zl201911325781.0。
1. hou x (editor-in-chief), design, fabrication, properties and applications of smart and advanced materials, crc press, 2016, usa.
2. hou x (sole author), bio-inspired asymmetric design and building of biomimetic smart single nanochannels, springer science & business media, 2013, germany.
1. 侯旭;第九届中国化学会-英国皇家化学会青年化学奖;2023年、中国化学会、英国皇家化学会;
2. 侯旭;中国十大新锐科技人物;2022年、中国科协;
3. 侯旭;科学探索奖;2022年、腾讯公益慈善基金会;
4. 侯旭;全国创新争先奖;2020年、人社部、中国科协、科技部、国务院国资委;
5. 侯旭;中国化学会青年化学奖;2018年、中国化学会;