*email: chenchy@nanoctr.cn
fig. 1 chemical and biophysical signatures of the protein corona in nanomedicine
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protein corona and strategies for nanomedicine
chunying chen*
cas key laboratory for biomedical effects of nanomaterials and nanosafety & cas center for excellence in nanoscience, national center for nanoscience and technology of china
*email: chenchy@nanoctr.cn
an inconvenient hurdle in the practice of nanomedicine is the protein corona, a spontaneous collection of biomolecular species by nanoparticles in living systems. the protein corona is dynamic in composition and may entail improved water suspendibility and compromised delivery and targeting to the nanoparticles. how much of this nonspecific protein ensemble is determined by the chemistry of the nanoparticle core and its surface functionalization and how much of this entity is dictated by the biological environments that vary spatiotemporally in vivo? how do we “live with” and exploit the protein corona without significantly sacrificing the efficacy of nanomedicines in diagnosing and curing human diseases? because of the complexity of the biological environment and the dynamic variations in the bioactivity of nanomedicines, in situ, label-free analysis of the transport and transformation of nanomedicines has remained a challenge. recent improvements in optics, detectors, and light sources have allowed the expansion of advanced light source (als) analytical technologies to dig into the underexplored behavior and fate of nanomedicines in vivo.
thus, in this talk, we will discuss the chemical and biophysical signatures of the protein corona and ponders challenges ahead for the field of nanomedicine. we also discuss the challenges and limitations faced by current approaches and tools and the expectations for the future development of advanced light sources and technologies. improved als imaging and spectroscopy techniques will accelerate a profound understanding of the biological behavior of new nanomedicines.
长期在分析化学领域,从事纳米蛋白冠分析与纳米药物分析,建立纳米颗粒生物体内行为的检测方法与机制,发现了纳米颗粒体内命运的隐身效应、远端效应、生物可利用效应等关键化学生物学特性,成为药物递送领域的重要分析方法和依据,被制定为多项iso和国家标准。在nature nanotechnology, nature methods, nature protocols, science advances, national science review, ccs chemistry, pnas, jacs, angew chem等期刊发表论文400余篇,取得了系统性的研究成果,先后两次获得国家自然科学奖二等奖,荣获全国五一巾帼标兵、iupac化学化工杰出女性奖、twas 化学奖、rsc environment prize、中国青年女科学家奖等。目前担任acs nano执行主编以及national science review, science bulletin等多个期刊的编委。目前担任中国化学会理事、女化学工作者委员会副主任委员等。2023年当选为中国化学会会士。