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2006 年iupac 主办的会议 -九游官网首页进入


second international symposium on green/sustainable chemistry
delhi, india, 10-13 jan-06

fourth international meeting on photodynamics
havana, cuba,06-feb-06 10-feb-06

international apat - iupac workshop on the role of (metrological) traceability and (measurement) uncertainty for comparing analytical results
rome, italy, 06-08 mar-06

new directions in teaching, learning, and evaluation of chemical sciences at tertiary level
colombo, sri lanka, 11-12 mar-06
prof. neelakanthi gunawardena
department of chemistry
university of kelaniya
kelaniya, sri lanka.

7th florida heterocyclic conference (flohet 7)
gainesville, fl, 12-15 mar-06

xxist iupac symposium on photochemistry
kyoto, japan, 02-07 apr-06

14th annual polychar world forum on advanced materials (polymer application and theory)
nara, japan, 17-21apr-06

workshop on biocalorimetry and biological thermodynamics (wbbt 2006)
rio de janeiro, brazil, 30-apr-04-may-06

3rd international symposium on macro- and supramolecular architectures and materials (mam-06): practical nanochemistry and novel approaches
tokyo, japan, 28-may-01-jun-06

16th international conference on organic synthesis (icos 16)
merida, yucatan, mexico, 11-15 jun-06

workshop on neurotoxic metals: lead, manganese and mercury: from research to prevention
brescia, italy, 17-18 jun-06 jun-06

international congress on analytical sciences (icas 2006 russia)
moscow, russia,25-30-jun-06

12th international conference on polymers and organic chemistry 2006 (poc)
okazakii, japan,02-07-jul-06

41st international symposium on macromolecules world polymer congress - macro 2006
rio de janeiro, brazil,16-21-jul-06

icob-5 & iscnp-25 iupac international conference on biodiversity and natural product
kyoto, japan,23-28-jul-06

12th international symposium on solubility: phenomena and related equilibrium processes (issp)
freiberg, germany,24-29-jul-06

19th iupac conference on chemical thermodynamics (icct 19)
boulder, colorado, usa,30-jul-04-aug-06

11th international congress of pesticide chemistry
kobe, japan 06-aug-06-1-aug-06

19th international conference on chemical education (19th icce)
seoul, korea,12-17-aug-06

36th international conference on coordination chemistry (iccc 36)
cape town, south africa, 13-18 aug-06

xviii international conference on physical organic chemistry (icpoc-xviii)
warsaw, poland, 20-25 aug-06

20th international conference on raman spectroscopy (icors 2006)
yokohama, japan, 20-25 aug-06

international symposium on radical polymerization: kinetics and mechanism (isrp)
ii ciocco/cast elvecchio pascoli, italy, 03-09 sep-06

emrs 2006 symposium a on nanostructured composite films: synthesis, characterization, properties and applications
warsaw, poland, 04-06 sep-06

9th eurasia conference on chemical sciences
antayla, turkey, 09-13 sep-06

first international conference on green-sustainable chemistry
dresden, germany, 10-15 sep-06

12th international conference on high temperature materials chemistry (htmc-xii)
vienna, austria, 17-22 sep-06

conference on occupational health and safety management in east africa
nairobi, kenya, 27-29 sep-06
mr. khisa kelvin
kenya national cleaner production centre
po box 1360-00200
city square, nairobi, 00200 kenya.
tel.: [254] 2733592471
fax: [254] 20604871

advanced polymers for emerging technologies (psk 30)
busan, korea, 11-13 oct-06

27th latin american congress on chemistry and 6th international congress of chemistry and chemical engineering
havana city, cuba, 16-20oct-06
