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2019年iupac世界化学大会分会及论坛主题发布 -九游官网首页进入

第47届iupac世界化学大会暨第50届iupac全体会议将于2019年7月5-12日在法国巴黎会议宫(palais des congrès de paris)举办。为了庆祝iupac百年,法国巴黎将在会议期间举办为期一周的各类庆祝活动,并且设立专门的分会和论坛主题,综合化学领域交叉问题,解决当今与人类福祉和可持续发展相关的最具挑战的问题。



化学—为了生命(chemistry for life)

symp 1.1:用于合成生物学的化学(chemistry for synthetic biology)

symp 1.2:用于转化医学的化学(chemistry for translational medicine)

symp 1.3:用于健康、食品、美容产品的纳米技术(nanotechnologies for health, food and beauty)

symp 1.4:用于生命科学的高分子和软材料(polymers and soft materials for life sciences)

化学—为了能源和资源(chemistry for energy and resources)

symp 2.1:计算设计能源材料(materials for energy by computational design)

symp 2.2:电化学能源储存与转换系统的新方法(new approaches for electrochemical energy storage and conversion)

symp 2.3:通过人工光合作用将太阳能转化为燃料(turning solar energy to fuels via artificial photosynthesis)

symp 2.4:迈向多太瓦清洁光伏能源转换—重要的化学挑战(towards multi-terawatt clean photovoltaic energy conversion – grand chemical challenges)

symp 2.5:可再生能源相关的材料资源管理(management of renewable energy related materials resources)

symp 2.6:化学与核能源:用于可持续发展核能源的新材料、新工艺(chemistry and nuclear energy: new materials and processes for a sustainable nuclear energy)

化学—为了环境(chemistry for the environment)

symp 3.1:监控化学品以获得更安全的环境(monitoring chemicals for a safer environment)

symp 3.2:通过生物材料和绿色化学品解决环境问题(addressing environmental issues through bio-sourced materials and green chemicals)

symp 3.3:二氧化碳的捕获、存储和回收(carbon dioxide capture, storage, and recycling)

symp 3.4:催化、吸附、分离—带来更加清洁的环境(catalysis, sorption and separation for a cleaner environment)

symp 3.5:改善环境的创新化学(innovative chemistry for environmental enhancement)

化学与社会(chemistry and society)

symp 4.1:化学与社会:当前的认知(chemistry and society: current knowledge)

symp 4.2:化学科学延伸vs 化学中的教学、感知和交流(scientific outreach vs teaching, perception and communication in chemistry)

symp 4.3:化学与社会:加强对话(chemistry and society: intensifying the dialogue)

化学教育(chemistry education)

session 5.1:通过化学教育培养技能和价值观(developing skills and values through chemistry education)

session 5.2:化学教育的研究和实践(research and practice in chemistry education)

session 5.3:其他主题(other topics)

化学的历史(history of chemistry)

symp 6:iupac和化学:相互交错的百年历史,人类未来的共同遗产(1919-2019)

iupac and chemistry: a century of intertwined history, a common heritage for the future (1919-2019)

session 6.1:iupac给化学的馈赠(iupac’s legacy to chemistry)

session 6.2:iupac和化学遗产(iupac and the heritage of chemistry)

session 6.3:周期表的150年(the periodic table at 150)

青年科学家计划(young scientists programme)

symp 7:青年科学家的需求、兴趣和问题

young scientists, their needs, interests and issues

特别论坛(special symposia)

symp 8.1:关于数学和自然科学中性别差距的全球调查(a global survey on gender gap in mathematical and natural sciences)

symp 8.2:数字化学和未来实验室(digital chemistry and the lab of the future)

symp 8.3:致敬eduard hála(hommage to eduard hála)

symp 8.4:化学中的女性(women in chemistry)

symp 8.5:十字街口论坛—促进和奖励化学创业公司(a crossroad symposium to promote and reward start-ups in chemistry)

化学交叉主题论坛(chemistry across the themes)

symp ct.1:问题描述和更好认知的先进方法(advanced methodologies for matter characterization and better knowledge)

symp ct.2:20世纪50年代城市中的可持续发展化学、材料和资源(sustainable chemistry, materials and resources for the city of the 2050s)

symp ct.3:化学领域热门话题:通过化学改善世界(hot topics in chemistry: a better world through chemistry)

symp ct.4:化学与浪花:跨学科交汇的海洋(chemistry and waves: an ocean for interdisciplinarity)

symp ct.5:在极端条件下化学、材料和工艺的新挑战(new challenges for chemistry, materials and processes in extreme conditions)

symp ct.6:20世纪50年代工业化学的热门话题(hot topics for the industrial chemistry of the 2050s)



