international affairs


国际合作交往 -九游官网首页进入


中国化学会副理事长丁奎岭院士和德国化学会主席thisbe k. lindhorst(右一)、执行主任wolfram koch



joint engagements and activities:

  • continuation of efforts to secure external funding and organize joint activities in support of the chemical sciences and society symposium (cs3)  and the sino german frontiers of chemistry symposium;

  • development of joint face-to-face and web-based activities, bilateral symposia, events and programs to enhance the public image of chemistry in china and  germany;

  • promotion of career opportunities for chemists and chemical engineers in china and germany;

  • provision of ccs  and gdch meeting and conference  registrations at member rates;

  • development of a pilot  chemistry summer school for chinese and german chemistry graduate students or post docs;

  • establishment of links to each other’s websites to help catalyze ccs and gdch member research collaboration, co-authorship, funding proposal development, recognition, national meeting content provision, resources for outreach, educational exchange.



